Saturday, April 3, 2010

adulthood, robert pattinson, and illegal cake?!

soooo about two weeks ago, my computer crashed and i lost everyyyyyyything i had. she's making a slow recovery though. anyway..
i turned 20 today. it's so odd. i don't feel old or anything but i'm having a peter pan moment and i'm all kinds of fucking weird right now. i did have a nice party though. i got a cake with robert pattinson on it which may or may not be illegal for some reason so thanks mom and dad. that goes right above throwing balloons at my head at six in the morning. sure, it didn't hurt but it's annoying as all hell when you're nursing a hangover. [underage drinking = definitely illegal.] while i rebel against the system even more, here's my cake. happy easter!

1 comment:

  1. lucky i want a robert pattinson cake too lol cant wait to fucking see eclipse!

    btw, saw ur blog on CS forums lol
